National Ombudsmen
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Wiltshire Council apologises to woman over its handling of her homelessness case

The Local Government Ombudsman has issued a report into Wiltshire Council’s handling of a homelessness case.

With homelessness a topical issue, the LGO has issued a report into its investigation, despite finding no significant injustice in the council’s treatment of the woman.

The case was brought to the attention of the LGO by the complainant who claimed the council had failed to take his daughter’s homeless application when it should have done so.

At the time the woman approached the council, the interpretation of the relevant law by the courts was that violence was confined to physical assault.

As the woman in this case had reported emotional abuse and not physical violence, and taking into account her other circumstances, the council was justified in taking the view that it was not necessary for it to take a homelessness application.

The court’s interpretation of the law has since changed and so, if these events were repeated today, the council would have to take account of the report of emotional abuse in deciding whether it is appropriate to take a homelessness application.

The LGO found that the council was not at fault in not taking the woman’s homelessness application in November 2011 and April 2011 but it was at fault for sending her a letter which incorrectly made reference to rent arrears.

It was also found to be at fault for failing to send notification of a delay in the assessment of the woman’s housing benefit to the correct address.
