National Archives
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Regular 'live chat' service available from today

Do you have a question related to the records we hold? Are you stuck with your research and need quick and easy advice on the next steps to finding the information you need? Are you just starting out and need help on how to begin using our records?

For these answers and more you can now chat online to our research advisers between 13:00 and 15:00 Tuesday to Friday. Click on the 'live chat' button on our contact us page during this time to begin your session.

About the live chat service

Live chat is an instant messaging service where each 'chat' is one to one with a research adviser. At busy times you may be held in a queue, but we will try to answer your enquiry as quickly as possible.

Please note that we cannot carry out any research for you during the session, but we can offer advice and guidance. We welcome your feedback and at the end of your live chat there is the opportunity to rate the service and your experience of it.

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide