SOCITM (Society of Information Technology Management)
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Better connected 2014 preview #1: roadworks

Dos and don'ts of presenting roadworks information on local authority websites

Some ‘dos and don’ts’ for presenting information about roadworks on council websites are set out in the first of a series of curtain-raisers for the publication on 3 March of Better Connected 2014, this year’s edition of Socitm’s annual survey of all council websites.

The advice comes in the form of reviewers’ comments describing the experience of finding out about local roadworks on council websites. This meant finding answers to questions like: ‘Does a Google search lead me to the task?’ ‘Can I find current roadworks in the area displayed on a map or as a list?’ ‘Can I see when roadworks are due to start and finish?’ and ‘Can I find out who to contact to complain about a roadworks issue?’

Presentation of roadworks information was one of a number of areas in the 2014 Better connected survey tested exclusively on mobile devices (Apple or Android smartphones) and the comments from reviewers reflect this experience. 

Take a look at the roadworks preview

Across the whole Better connected survey, reviewers had twice as satisfactory an experience using desktops to complete tasks as they did on mobile devices. With usage of mobile devices to access council websites increasing rapidly – up to 36% of visits in December according to Socitm Website Performance Service data – this needs to become a prime area of focus for council web teams.

Commentary on other service areas covered by Better connected 2014 will be published on a weekly basis in the run-up to the launch.

Better connected 2014 will be published on 3 March on Socitm’s website and can be accessed free of charge by any employee of a council that subscribes to Socitm Insight.

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