Welsh Government
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New powers for schools and colleges to search pupils for weapons

Schools and further education colleges in Wales will soon have the power to screen any pupil for a knife or weapon.

Education Minister, Leighton Andrews, has yesterday signed an order which means the powers contained in the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006 will come into effect on 31 October 2010.

Institutions will also be able to search pupils who are suspected of carrying a weapon.

Leighton Andrews said:

“It is important schools and colleges are safe places to ensure the best possible educational environment for our young people.

“Views were sought on the new powers as part of the ‘Safe and Effective Intervention’ guidance consultation which closed in February. There was a great deal of support for the powers.

“We must now make sure schools and colleges understand these new powers and how to use them. Guidance will be available at the end of October.”

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