Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
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Defra approves GM potato trial

Defra approves GM potato trial

DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS News Release (139/08) issued by The Government News Network on 9 May 2008

After public consultation, Defra has given approval to Leeds University to conduct a research trial this year of GM potatoes. The research is on potatoes that have been genetically modified to resist infection by potato cyst nematodes.

The Leeds University application has been evaluated by the independent expert group the Advisory Committee of Releases to the Environment (ACRE). It is satisfied that the proposed trial will not result in any adverse effect on human health or the environment.

Reflecting ACRE's advice, precautionary conditions have been attached to the statutory consent for the trial. These aim to ensure that GM potato material does not persist at the trial site. The harvested GM potatoes will not be used for food or animal feed.

Note for Editors

1. The Leeds University application, the statutory consent, and the relevant ACRE advice can be found on the Defra website at The consent reference is 07/R31/01.

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