Welsh Government
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“Wales is leading the way on Sustainable Procurement” – Jane Hutt

Action needs to be taken to fix the world’s broken food system to make it fairer and more sustainable – and as the world's first Fair Trade Nation, Wales can lead the way, Finance Minister, Jane Hutt has said.

Speaking at the Fairtrade Wales Sustainable Procurement Conference at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff, the Minister said the Welsh Government is helping to lead the way – and explained how a commitment to sustainable development means its procurement policy is geared towards considering the economic, social and environmental long term impact of procurement decisions.

The Minister, who spent many of her formative years in Uganda, said she had witnessed the hardships borne by small farmers upon whom we depend on for our food.

Jane Hutt said:

“High food, fertiliser and fuel prices, lack of investment and environmental degradation threaten the very survival of smallholder farmers. Unfair trade means farmers still only receive a tiny proportion of the price we pay for our food.

“While around a billion people go hungry, in the West we waste about a third of all the food produced, equivalent to Sub-Saharan Africa’s total food production. Despite producing about 70% of the world’s food, over half of the world’s hungry people are small farmers struggling to earn a decent livelihood from their crops. This is unacceptable.

“As we celebrate our 5th year as the world's first Fair Trade Nation, Wales is on its way to ensuring that the farmers who grow the everyday products that we take for granted like tea, coffee, sugar and chocolate get a fair price and an opportunity to develop their community sustainably.

“Fair Trade helps deliver sustainable practices and meets public ethical expectations. It ensures that we receive high quality goods at a fair price. The Welsh Government is committed to promoting Fair Trade in its own activities.”

Jane Hutt added:

“I strongly believe that what we do in Wales has a significant impact elsewhere. Public procurement remains vitally important in the Welsh Government’s commitment to sustainable development, and making it more sustainable, effective, and fair, is essential.”

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