Public and Commercial Services Union
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Demand a fair deal for Learning and Skills Council staff

PCS represents several thousand staff working in the education sector, responsible for developing government education and skills policy, as well as implementation and delivery.

The government’s continuing focus on improving learning and skills closely affects PCS members working in the education sector, as well as the learning opportunities of all our members and their families. PCS members working in the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) are specifically and directly affected by the bill.

PCS has particular concerns regarding staff transfer arrangements outlined in Schedule 7 of the bill which present a threat to PCS members in the LSC who face being transferred from the LSC to a new Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA), an NDPB under DCSF, or to the Skills Funding Agency (SFA), an agency of DIUS, or to a local authority.

In its current form the bill makes no reference to COSOP or TUPE and offers no assurances in relation LSC staff’s continuity of service or protections in relation to terms and conditions on transfer.

Please take a few minutes to email your MP urging them to demand that Learning and Skills Council staff receive the protections they deserve.

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