Arts Council England
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Funding awards to support capital projects in the arts and culture sector

Arts Council England has released details of the projects continuing to the second stage of the application process for our large capital grants programme. We also announce what has been funded in the first round of our small capital grants programme.

Large capital grants - successful applicants

Twenty project proposals have been successful in the first stage of the second round of our large capital programme for grants over £500,000.

The majority of the 20 projects focus on the refurbishment or extension of existing arts buildings. This ranges from the replacement of critical equipment to large scale renovations and improvements.

Applicants have been invited to apply to the second stage of the application process to secure funding and will be expected to submit their developed proposals within the next 18 months.

Find out who the successful applicants were.

To date, we have invested a total of £61,357,795 across 15 large capital projects. Find out more about the projects we have funded in our Capital investment funding pages.

We are investing a total of £214.6 million for the period 2012-15, over three funding rounds. For more details, visit our Capital funding pages.

Small capital grants - successful applicants

Thirty-five projects have been awarded grants of between £100,000 and £499,999 in the first round of our small capital grant programme.

Successful projects include the redevelopment of a bar into a dedicated video art space at Tyneside Cinema and the conversion of the Tetley building in Leeds to become a state of the art visual arts venue.

Find out more about the funded projects.

We are investing £20 million in small capital projects in the period 2012-15. There will be £8 million available in the next round of funding - details on how to apply will be announced soon.

For further information about our small capital grant scheme, visit our Capital funding pages.

Further information about our Capital investment programme

Our Capital investment programme aims to support arts organisations to become more sustainable and resilient businesses by funding the maintenance and improvement of existing buildings and equipment. A total of £234.6 million of National Lottery money will be invested from 2012-15.

For further information, visit our funding pages.


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