Annual Reports

NA: The eighth annual report & accounts for The National Archives is now available.  
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Monitor: NHS foundation trusts have reported a good overall financial performance despite a more challenging economic environment, according to a new report published recently by Monitor.  At the beginning of 2010/11 Monitor identified a number of key challenges that could present significant risks to foundation trusts.
In NHS Foundation Trusts: Review of Twelve Months to 31 March 2011, Monitor reviews performance against these challenges and reveals that risks have largely been mitigated. However, performance against waiting time targets for cancer continues to present the most significant service challenge for foundation trusts.  Monitor has indicated this could lead to trusts breaching the terms of their authorisation if their performance does not improve.
Press release & links
ScotGov: Scotland's Chief Statistician has published Educational Outcomes for Scotland's Looked After Children, 2009-10.  This new publication contains statistics obtained from linking, for the first time, looked after children's data provided by local authority social work services departments with educational data provided by publicly funded schools, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS).
It presents key findings on a range of educational outcome statistics for children or young people who have been looked after continuously during the 12-month period, in different types of care placements, and for pupils with multiple placements within the school year.
Press release & links
ScotGov: Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment, Alex Neil has welcomed increased infrastructure benefits & savings unveiled by the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT). During 2010/11 SFT work saved the public purse £129m of net independently verified benefits to infrastructure in Scotland. Overall SFT will have delivered £240m of benefits and savings since 2009.
Press release & links
Newswire – RoSPAAnnual deaths on Great Britain’s roads have fallen below 2,000 for the first time since records began, proving the value & effectiveness of having a strong road safety strategy, says the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. Headline figures published by the Department for Transport reveal that 1,857 people were killed in reported road accidents during 2010, a reduction of 365 (16%) on the previous year’s figure.
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