Subscriber Testimonials 

All WiredGOV bulletins are very helpful to the dialogue we have had recently as Trade Unions with the Local Authority.

I circulate news items to colleagues relevant to Housing, Schools, Further Education and the Budget decisions on Local Government Adult Social Care.

The service is very useful and the detail is very appropriate for an insight into Public Sector Policy and Practice.
Roger Layton, Joint Trade Union Committee Secretary, North Tyneside Council
The Education Sector – and edTech in particular – is one of the most exciting parts of UK industry right now, and at RM we work with almost 8,000 schools and institutions, delivering great education products and services that help teachers to teach and learners to learn.  We rely on WiredGov to give us “breaking news” that ensures that we stay ahead of the industry in knowing what is happening right across Government.

WiredGov’s regular emails, through the day, are in a format that allows me to quickly scan the latest news, regardless of whether I am reading them on my phone, tablet or desk computer.  This keeps me informed, and permits me to share the latest insight with colleagues across the business.  It is an important part of my portfolio of market information.

Simon Carter, Marketing and Propositions Director, RM Education
This is a great service which saves me lots of time by capturing relevant and interesting content in an easy to digest format. I would highly recommend.
David Dean, Communications Specialist, Socitm
WiredGov enables me to find out the news I require to know in a timely and convenient manner.  It facilitates me to scan the relevant news based on my preferences.  The weekly e-mail is one of the first I read on a Monday morning and allows me to be fully aware of all relevant news, helping me carry out my job more efficiently.  I highly recommend it!
Lamine Lachhab, Business Support and Improvement Office and Stakeholder Engagement, National Records of Scotland
WiredGov provides a useful single route into government press releases – and their customer service following up any queries is excellent.
Katharine Wright, Assistant Director, Nuffield Council on Bioethics
I signed up for a trial account and knew within the first few news items that I was onto a winner. My job involves analysing policy and strategy across the whole education sector and the alerts have provided me with a number of news stories I haven’t received from anywhere else. Quite often I receive news much later than the release date and sometimes not at all. This isn’t the case with this service – always on or ahead of the game.

I’ve passed a number of leads across to my colleagues for their use for both development and planning purposes and this numbers between 20 – 30 people most of the time. Reliable, timely and accurate – couldn’t ask for more. Keep going!

Paul Turner, Futures Leader, NCFE (National Awarding Organisation)
I find WiredGov an informative source of information that is tailored to my specific areas of interest and delivered in a timely manner.  It provides me with news alerts that I might otherwise miss if I had to find time to scan the internet for this information.  WiredGov is a trusted source and is now also recommended by my trades union
Terry Jarvis, Service Delivery Manager, Police National Computer Services Operations Directorate National Policing Improvement Agency
Thank you for a wonderful service because people are sometimes amazed on how I find out information which of course saves me a lot of time!
Barbara Worrall, Diversity Officer, Staff Involvement, Nottinghamshire County Council
The information in the Wired-GOV service is well structured and balanced to be able to be read very quickly, with the help of its "headlines", in a little bit more detail in the press releases, etc, while also giving good links to more detailed sources, its timeliness is not bettered by other update/information services I receive.
Jon Watson, Environment Team Leader, Lincolnshire County Council
I am pleased to receive the “E” mail on this subject and find it very useful with keeping me up to date with Governmental affairs and issues that impact upon my day to day activities.
James France, North Lanarkshire Council
The WiredGov service is excellent, for Derbyshire County Council.  I often forward relevant articles to at least 6 colleagues, both within the County Council and in other Local Planning Authorities in Derbyshire i.e. including the Peak District National Park Authority.
David Dales, Derbyshire County Council
I find the updates useful as sometimes there is a press release on something which is happening in my area of work but which has not been widely publicised.  The links to other websites are also useful in getting a wider picture.
Carol Humphries, Plymouth City Council
I love this service and rely on it heavily to inform me of things that are coming over the horizon – keep up the good work.
Gill Cutting, Business Development Manager, University of York
I find the WiredGov emails very useful especially in their succinct form. A very quick way of keeping updated with a range of issues.
Elaine Brookes MBA MCSP, Assistant Dean, Sheffield Hallam University
I find WiredGov excellent and it supports me in my daily role. I do give information to others as is required
Sue Freeman, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Trust
The WiredGov provision is excellent, enabling me to keep up with legislative and political developments to inform decisions and review affected policy documents.
I regularly circulate general aspects of the information to a group of about 50 personnel.

Ken Wall BSC (Hons), Head of Legislative Fire Safety, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
We regard the service as invaluable to sift through the vast quantities of information out there and highlight the best ones for us. It saves us hours of time. Many thanks for a great service.
Karen Eato, Voluntary Services Manager, Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
I work for Leicestershire Constabulary as Funding Manager. I subscribe to Wired-Gov as it provides a cross-government snapshot of significant initiatives that:
  1. have just been announced
  2. have just been evaluated

I very much like the tone and attitude of the introductions (no spin, often questioning) and long may this continue!
George Mullis, Funding Manager, Leicestershire Constabulary

I have been using this subscription service for more than 2.5 years.  I find it exceptionally useful, reliable and accurate.
From my single account I regularly update between 12-25 people.

Anthony Rabbitt, Defence Attaché, British Embassy
Although we should be informed through formal channels, WiredGOV is often the only way we hear and even if we are formally notified, this often follows what I have already found from WiredGOV. A very valuable service.
Lieutenant-General Louis Lillywhite, Surgeon General, Ministry of Defence
WiredGOV is used for training and briefing directly on wider issues which may (or may not) affect Departmental business.
It is of direct benefit to my self (i.e. my research).
Selected items from WiredGOV are retained and reviewed for future relevance.
The service fulfils an important need if you are a civil servant, who has to deal with external issues,

Gavin Ogilvie, Ministry of Defence
Excellent service and a good way of keeping up on headline initiatives across other government departments
James Young, Science Innovation and Technology, MOD
I thoroughly appreciate my WiredGov account. Very often it is the first stage at which I am alerted to policy developments – and I find that other sources come up with the same data days (or even weeks) later. I have found several times that I am ahead of the game as a result of downloading information from my account.

I pass on information to a team of 15-20 people.
I Can’t actually think of many ways that you could improve the service – it is very good already.
Many thanks for the service – it is excellent!

Dr Jilly Hall, Regional Policy and Evidence Adviser, Regional Advocacy and Partnership Team, Natural England
I found out about this service through someone who works in the utilities industry.  It is an excellent service with up to date information which is highly valuable.
Kalpana Majithia, Learning and Skills Council
We use the service as part of our alerting service which we provides for about 130 targeted key officers. These are then appropriately cascaded to other staff. We are in the process of setting up an intranet page to make the service more accessible. It will then be available organisation wide.
Elaine Woods, EIS Manager
I'm a single user account holder, who, whenever I see something of interest, will forward a press notice to colleagues (sometimes a single person; sometimes a network of about 20 users across London who themselves might cascade the item). I'm also an enthusiastic salesperson for WiredGov within the academic / FE / schools communities within London. Your service is reliable, of known dimensions, and gives me control over the content which I receive. Everything that spam isn't. My thanks to the anonymous WiredGov team!
John Hall, Director, Institute of Education, University of London





Nottinghamshire County Council’s time-to-hire has been reduced from 70 days to a streamlined 42 days