Annual Reports
ScotGov: Rural Scotland Key Facts 2008 has been published by Scotland's Chief Statistician. This is the fifth edition of an annual publication presenting statistics, drawn from a variety of sources, in one pocket-sized book (and web publication).
It contains key data with an emphasis on comparisons between remote rural, accessible rural and the rest of Scotland. Topics covered include demographics; household composition; housing; neighbourhoods & communities; transport; internet & broadband; health; local services; business characteristics; and employment.
Also published are new figures that present various poverty measures by urban/rural areas and areas of multiple deprivation. These are additional to ‘Scottish Households Below Average Income, 2006/07’ which was released in June 2008. The figures show that the percentage of individuals living in poverty is slightly lower in rural than in urban areas.
Press release ~ Rural Scotland Key Facts 2008 ~ New figures that present various poverty measures ~ Scottish Statistics ~ Scottish Households Below Average Income, 2006/07
MO: 2007/08 has been another successful year for the Met Office, achieving all its Key Performance Targets and making £4.4m business profit which will be invested in further improvements to weather & climate services according to its Annual Report and Accounts.
Cabinet Office: Sex and Power, the Equality and Human Rights Commission's annual report looking at women in top positions of power & influence finds that more progress is needed for women to achieve equality in public life and the public & private sectors – See ‘General Reports and Other Publications’ for more information.