Annual Reports

WAG:  Progress is being made in improving the environment in .  The latest figures show that, of the 100 indicators that have been defined & where information exists, 47% show an improvement and only 5 indicators show a decline.  The report shows improvements in many areas across including recycling, bathing water quality and fly tipping.

Press release & links

PC&PE:  The Ministry of Defence (MoD) must put into the public domain the full cost of military operations in , says the Defence Select Committee in its report into the MoD Main Estimates for 2011–12.  The report notes that although there are obvious standing expenses, the Afghan deployment brings with it additional costs in terms of training opportunities cancelled or deferred and equipment wear & tear that will eventually have to be met.

Press release & links

EC:  The Electoral Commission – the independent elections watchdog – has published the financial accounts of political parties & accounting units with gross income or total expenditure exceeding £250,000 for the year ending 31 December 2010.

Press release & links

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