Charity and Voluntary Sector

BIG: Over 100 people will be primed for a career in the booming outdoor activity sector in North Wales and nearly 1,000 more volunteering opportunities will be created to teach people new skills in the industry thanks to a £420k award from the Big Lottery Fund.
Outdoor tourism & sport contributes over £300m annually to the North Wales economy. Now, thanks to a £420,000 grant from the Big Lottery Fund’s People & Places programme, the Outdoor Partnership organisation in North Wales aims to take full advantage of the buoyant outdoor activity sector and create more employment opportunities for local people in the area.
Press release & links ~ Outdoor Partnership organisation in North Wales
BIGYoung people from the north to the south of Scotland are set to benefit from a range of projects that will boost their confidence & encourage creativity as the Big Lottery Fund announced the latest round of grants from the Young Start fund.
Press release & links ~ Young Start
UKOC: UK online centres have launched a brand new funding round to support the launch of their new Carer's Network. If your centre works with carers, can demonstrate that you're an expert in their needs and have proven solutions to overcome barriers, then they ‘would love you to apply for it’. Grants of £5,000 are available and you will need to submit your application by Friday 27th July 2012..
Press release & links
BIG: The Big Lottery Fund has launched Talent Match, an ambitious £100m investment aimed at tackling youth unemployment in areas of England hardest hit by the economic downturn.   Talent Match will target 21 hotspots across England where those aged 18-24 are finding it hardest to secure jobs or training opportunities.   
Press release & links ~ Talent Match
BIG: With the historic unveiling of the first national memorial to RAF Bomber Command (June 28th) and the Armed Forces Day commemorations (June 30th), people across the UK have come together to remember the many sacrifices made by Britain’s service men & women.
Press release & links
CLG: More communities can now bid to take over local services they think they can run differently & better as the Community Right to Challenge provisions come into effect

It hands more power back to communities, allowing voluntary & community groups, parish councils and local authority staff to express an interest in ‘taking over the running of local authority services, making services more responsive to local needs and delivering better value for money’.
The Social Investment Business, in partnership with Locality and the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations will deliver a 3-year support programme worth £11.5m, which will include a dedicated advice phone line where support & information will be available.  It will also include grants to help groups to use the new right and bid to run local public services, resources, and case studies.
Press release & links
CO: Following the Giving Summit, the Government is setting out how it will continue to broaden the base of people who give their time & money to help others.  It has published a document that reviews progress since the Giving White Paper and sets its priorities for the next 12 months.
Press release & links ~ Giving White Paper - One year on
DWPCredit unions will receive up to £38m of investment to modernise & expand so they can support 1m more people. The £38m fund, which follows the £13m already invested last year, will help credit unions to buy in new IT systems & infrastructure needed to increase the numbers of people they help to save & borrow.
Press release & links
BIS: The PM has secured a ‘great result’ for UK business at the European Council on single unitary patent valid in up to 25 European countries and secured London to be the host for the unified patent court.
Press release & links
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy