Charity and Voluntary Sector

DWP: Unemployed people will be able to access thousands of new volunteering & training opportunities to help them take their first steps back into work - under new plans unveiled last week by Secretary of State for Work & Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith.
Under the scheme advisers from youth charity The Prince’s Trust and other local government voluntary organisations will be located in Jobcentre Plus (JCP) offices to signpost jobseekers of all ages to volunteering & training opportunities in their area.  The new initiative will particularly benefit young people as they will be able to get more support to help them into jobs, education and training.
Press release ~ The Prince’s Trust
CRUK: A genetic pattern could predict how aggressive prostate cancer is before treatment, and whether the disease will come back in men who have already been treated, according to research published in the Lancet Oncology.
Press release
BHFDrinking diet fizzy drinks could raise your risk of heart attacks & strokes, according to new research.  Scientists in America looked at the diets of over 2,500 people.  They found that people who drank a diet fizzy drink every day had a 61% higher risk of a vascular cardiac event, such as a heart attack or stroke, than those who drank no fizzy drinks at all.  Interestingly, there was no increased risk for those people who drank regular fizzy drinks, compared to no fizzy drinks.
Press release
WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?