Charity and Voluntary Sector

Newswire – BHF: The British Heart Foundation are launching a new campaign, warning households to be vigilant when making doorstep donations of second-hand goods to their chosen charity, as they could be lining the pockets of third party organisations working for commercial gain, not the charity. The BHF has not formed a partnership with these ‘middlemen’ meaning their activity is costing them an estimated £3m in stock donations.
Although this is a legal way to raise money, too often charities who form partnerships with these companies are being short-changed. BHF are encouraging people to 'check before you give'.  Help them raise awareness of the problem in your area by writing to your local newspaper.
Press release ~
BIG: While most young people are now embarking on fun-filled school summer holidays, thousands of young carers are about to spend their break looking after a relative suffering from a disability or long-term illness. 

Youth in Focus, a new £30m England-wide funding programme launched last week by the Big Lottery Fund, will provide vital support for young carers as well as other vulnerable groups – young people leaving youth offending institutions and young people leaving care – See ‘In the News’ section for more information