
FSA: The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has issued a consultation paper proposing Handbook changes that are required to implement aspects of the Payment Services Directive (PSD).  The PSD requires countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) to regulate payment services, including for example card payments, direct debits and money transfer. 
It will impact all firms providing payment services, including banks, building societies, e-money issuers, money transfer operators and non-bank credit card issuers.  HM Treasury is currently consulting on the text of the Payment Services Regulations 2008, which will implement the directive in the UK on 1 November 2009.
Press release ~ Consultation Paper CP08/14: ‘Implementation of the Payment Services Directive – changes to the FSA Handbook’  ~ FSA - PSD ~ Free seminar for firms who will be affected by PSD (6 October 2008)
ScotGov: The Scottish Government has published proposals for a new system of sentencing guidelines and a judicially-led Scottish Sentencing Council to oversee that system. The proposals, which are out to consultation (closes 21 November 2008), are intended to create a broad, understandable framework within which sentencers will be expected to operate, but without removing their discretion to pass sentence in individual cases as they see fit, based on the facts and circumstances of the case before them.
The document also includes proposals aimed at giving the public the opportunity to contribute to the development of draft sentencing guidelines before they are finalised.
Press release ~ Consultation: Delivering more consistent and transparent sentencing in Scotland - Proposals for the introduction of a new system of sentencing guidelines and a Scottish Sentencing Council to develop that system ~ Victim Support Scotland ~ Sentencing Commission ~ The Scope to Improve Consistency in Sentencing ~ Scottish Prisons Commission
ACE: After sharing the Architecture Week review with its partners the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Architecture Centre Network, the Arts Council England (ACE) will now carry out wider consultation with the sector, including the Architecture Foundation, IGNITE and local authorities, to help decide the most effective way of engaging the public with art and architecture.

Discussions between ACE, RIBA and Architecture Centre Network resulted in 3 of the review’s original 7 options being taken forward for further consultation.  Consultation will close on Monday 29 September 2008 and ACE hopes to make a final decision about the future of Architecture Week later this autumn.
Press release ~ Consultation document ~ Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) ~ Architecture Centre Network ~ Architecture Foundation
CLG: Local Government Minister John Healey has launched a consultation (closes 16 October 2008) on giving the public greater access to information on how efficiently their council is being run. Under these proposals, all council tax bills would include the efficiency savings the local authority has made – See ‘In the News’ for more information.
Defra: Views on how noise from airports can be managed effectively have been called for (closes Friday 28 November 2008) by Environment Minister Jonathan Shaw. He made the call as Defra published draft guidance for comment that will be used to develop action plans to address noise from airports.
In line with the Environmental Noise Directive, airport operators must draft action plans that outline the measures they will take to manage and, where appropriate, reduce the level of environmental noise around airports. The plans will be informed by new noise maps that were published last year.  
Press release ~ Consultation on the guidance for airport operators to produce action plans under the terms of the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 ~ Environmental Noise Directive ~ Airport Noise Maps ~ AirportWatch ~ DfT - Attitudes to Noise from Aviation Sources in England (ANASE) study ~ Air Transport White Paper 2003 (Also scroll down for: Air Transport White Paper Progress Report 2006) ~ Get involved - 2M Group (scroll down for runway maps) ~ DfT – Airports ~ Air traffic forecasts ~ HACAN ClearSkies ~ Airport Regions Conference ~ Scottish Noise Mapping
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