
Comp. Commission:  The Competition Commission (CC) has published an issues statement as part of its investigation into the market for the supply of payment protection insurance (PPI) in the UK, which identifies the specific questions & areas the CC believes are relevant in deciding whether any feature of the market(s) for PPI products restricts, distorts or prevents competition.

It will be used as the basis to guide collection of evidence including the first round of hearings with interested parties during the period May to July 2007.  The CC would like to hear views on the issues statement from all interested parties, in writing, by Friday 11 May 2007.
Press release  ~ Statement ~ CC Inquiry website ~ OFT's reasons for making the reference ~ Financial Services Authority (FSA)

CRC:  The Commission for Rural Communities have extended the deadline for submissions to its Call for Evidence on 'Strengthening the role of rural councillors' until 8 June 2007.

They are keen to hear from rural councillors & parish clerks, community groups, local partnerships, council officials, business associations and everyone with ideas and experience they want to share.
Press release ~ Call for evidence ~ Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill ~ LGA – Local Government White Paper ~ Rural Development Programme in England

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