
WAG: Minister for Housing & Regeneration, Carl Sargeant has launched a White Paper for consultation on the Welsh Government’s legislative proposals to improve arrangements for renting homes. It delivers on the commitment to bring forward proposals based on the Law Commission’s 2006 Renting Homes report. Consultation closes on 16 August 2013.
Press release & links
Defra: Businesses & organisations are being asked for their views on EU policies to find out whether being a part of the EU helps or hinders their work on the environment & climate change

The findings will be published next winter and will contribute to a national debate on the environment, climate change and the EU, but will not make specific policy recommendations. The consultation closes on 12 August 2013.
Full press release
MonitorMonitor is seeking views on proposed guidance to help commissioners comply with new procurement, patient choice & competition regulations so that their patients receive the best possible health services.  

Over the next 2 months Monitor will be formally consulting on the guidance to make sure that it is a clear reference point for commissioners as they go about their work.  Consultation closes on 11 July 2013.
Press release & links
Ofcom: Ofcom have recently announced proposals to improve the quality of subtitling on UK TV to benefit deaf & hard-of-hearing viewers.  

Subtitles are used by over 1m people with hearing impairments to watch TV. While pre-prepared subtitling is generally of a good quality, viewers have made clear that there are continuing problems with the speed, synchronisation, accuracy & presentation of live TV subtitling. The consultation closes on 25 July 2013.
Press release & links
WAGHow the Welsh Government and the Third Sector work together in the future is the focus of a new consultation launched recently by the Communities & Tackling Poverty Minister, Huw Lewis. The latest figures show there are 33,000 Third Sector organisations in Wales employing 55,000 people, with more than 1m volunteers helping out in their communities.
The consultation will ask for views on how the Welsh Government and the sector can work in partnership, especially in light of the current economic climate.  It will also examine how voluntary & community groups in particular can best be supported in future. Consultation closes on 8 August 2013.
Press release & links
DECC: A call for evidence has been launched (closes on 15 July 2013) to inform a review of the long-term role of the UK’s refining & fuel import sectors.

The UK market is currently well supplied by both domestically refined & imported oil products, but the Government is considering how, in the light of a changing market, our demand for refined oil products is likely to be met over the next few decades.
Press release & links
DfT: A call for evidence has opened as part of the government’s reform of the Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing (ATOL) scheme. The government is calling for views on how consumer protection for holiday-makers can best be provided. Call closes on 15 August 2013.
Press release & links
DCMS: Recently the government published a second consultation (closes on 18 July 2013) asking businesses about their views on the detail of equal pay audits and the likely contents of impending legislation. It is hoped the equal pay audit regulations will come into force in 2014.
Press release & links
DfT: Plans for a new Lower Thames crossing to reduce congestion & boost growth were put forward recently with 3 options to tackle the current congestion & capacity issues plaguing motorists in the area on a daily basis.
There are several ways to find out more information, either through the department’s website or by attending one of the public information events being held next month in the Lower Thames area. The consultation process closes on the Tuesday 16 July 2013.  Decisions following this consultation will be announced in the autumn 2013.
Press release & links
Additional Consultations: Readers should be aware that many consultations are never publicised with a press release, so do not appear in either the email alerts or Wired - GOV Plus. Many of these consultations can be found at the following links:
GOV.UK consultations ~ Current ScotGov consultations ~ Recently added WAG consultations
Nottinghamshire County Council’s time-to-hire has been reduced from 70 days to a streamlined 42 days