EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc.

BIS: Consumers should take advantage of new rights aimed at protecting them and encouraging lenders to act more responsibly, Consumer Minister Edward Davey said as the EU Consumer Credit Directive came into force last week.  The amendments to the Consumer Credit Act will strengthen both consumer rights and lenders’ duties towards their customers.
Press release ~ BIS: EC Consumer Credit Directive ~ Plain English explanation of the changes
EU News: More than 6m young people in the EU leave education & training with lower secondary level qualifications at best.  They face severe difficulties in finding work, are more often unemployed and more often dependent on welfare benefits.

The Commission has approved an action plan that will help Member States to achieve the Europe 2020 headline target of reducing the EU average rate of early school leavers to under 10%, from the current level of 14.4%, by 2020.  The accompanying proposal for a Council Recommendation contains guidelines to help Member States develop comprehensive & evidence-based policies to reduce early school leaving.
Press release (includes links)
EU News: The EU Parliament wants tighter rules for the EU's growing output of waste electronic & electrical equipment (WEEE), while cutting red tape for companies.  In a plenary vote last Thursday, MEPs proposed new targets for collecting, recycling and re-using waste.  They also recommended tougher measures to prevent the export of e-waste to developing countries, where it can pose a health and environment hazard.
As well as yielding health & environmental benefits, proper treatment of e-waste can help reclaim valuable raw materials.  MEPs recommend a 50-75% recycling target (depending on category) and support a new 5% re-use goal.
Press release ~ Report on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (recast)
EU News: A new Guide aims at clarifying the European rules applicable to the organisation & financing of services of general interest. This Guide thus helps public authorities, especially at local level, to provide high quality & efficient services in line with the EU rules. The Commission has also published another guide to help public authorities to buy goods & services in a socially responsible way in line with EU rules – See ‘Guidance Notes & Best Practice Guides’ section for more information.
EU News:  Last week, on the eve of World Cancer Day, in an effort to improve the screening & diagnosis of colorectal cancer, the European Commission published the first edition of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Colorectal Cancer Screening and Diagnosis.

Colorectal cancer is the second most common newly diagnosed cancer in the EU.  It is the second most common cause of cancer death in the EU, accounting for 1 in 7 new cancers and 1 in 8 cancer deaths.  Improving diagnosis & screening is key to reduce the mortality rates from colorectal cancer.
Press release (see PR for details & links)
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy