EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc.

BERR: The government have announced that the right for UK workers to choose to work longer than 48 hours a week has been secured, after ministers reached a new agreement in Europe. The agreement on both the Working Time Directive and the Agency Workers Directive at the EU Employment Council is claimed to allow the UK's vital labour market flexibility to continue, while ensuring workers are treated fairly. 
The deal on agency workers comes after the CBI and TUC signed a joint declaration last month agreeing to a 12-week qualifying period for agency workers to be given equal treatment in a given job.
Press release ~ Working Time Directive ~ Agency Workers Directive ~ EU Employment Council
Defra: The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has launched a consultation (closes on 1 September 2008) on the European Commission's proposals for the ‘Health Check’ of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – See ‘Consultations’ for more information.
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy