EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc.

ScotGov: Speaking on his return from the EU's Fisheries Council in Brussels, Scottish Fisheries Minister Richard Lochhead has welcomed the acknowledgement that the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has failed and that a new approach is required.
However, Mr Lochhead warned that Scotland faces a tough challenge to negotiate changes that will protect the country's historic fishing rights and to return decision-making to Scotland.
Press release ~ EU press release – phasing out of discards ~ Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) ~ ScotGov – Sea Fisheries ~ EU cod recovery plan ~ European Fisheries Fund (EFF) ~ ScotGov – Fishing grants and subsidies ~ EC published proposals ~ Fishermen on west coast 'facing crisis' ~ Fisheries Research Services ~ EC - Fisheries ~ BBC: Wasted catches hit Europe's codTelegraph: UK fishing boat filmed dumping 5 tons of fish ~ Developing Scottish Inshore Fisheries Groups (IFGS) Management Plans ~ Bill Ellis, IFG National Coordinator Tel: 0131 244 4756
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