Forthcoming Event

LDA: The London Development Agency (LDA) is helping leaders of social enterprises in the capital to build their organisations through a series of interactive workshops which are being held in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) and Social Enterprise London (SEL). 

Ensuring social enterprises are able to access the knowledge & expertise in commercial organisations in London is an important way of building the capacity of these organisations.  Dates for these workshops will be available via the LDA and SEL websites shortly. An online toolkit to help social enterprises set up & grow will be available through Business Link in London in March 2010.
Future workshops are expected to address the following issues:
* Social Accounting
* Social Return on Investment
* Risk Management & Governance
* Getting involved with Government & commissioning
* The role of the Chairman, Chief Executive & Board
* Commissioning & managing a commissioning bid
* Governance implications of scaling up
* Finance for non-financial Board members
Press release ~ Social Enterprise London (SEL) – Events & Training ~ Social Enterprise Journal ~ LDA ~ Business Link in London
WO: Secretary of State for Wales, Peter Hain, has welcomed the chance for people in Wales to have their say on the future of local news broadcasting in Wales.  The Independently Funded News Consortia (IFNC) Pilots Selection Panel have announced that they will be visiting Cardiff on Wednesday 3 February 2010 to hold a public meeting (3-4pm at the Wales Millennium Centre, Bute Place, Cardiff Bay, CF10 5AL) with the 3 bidders for the Wales pilot
Richard Hooper, Chair of the IFNC Selection Panel has said that this meeting will be an opportunity for local people to have their say about local news on television, radio, local newspapers and the web.  He also wants local people to be able to question the bidders about their proposals to deliver a new innovative local and regional news service across multiple platforms in Wales.  
To attend the public meeting in Cardiff please RSVP to: by midday on 2 February.  The Panel is keen to canvas views from as many people as possible, so if you are not able to make this date and would like to feed in your comments about the IFNC pilot in Wales or about the IFNC pilots more generally, then please send them to the same email address:
Press release ~ DCMS: Independently Funded News Consortia (IFNC)
LLUK: Are you a union learning representative?  What would you give to find out everything you need to know about Diplomas and 14-19 learning? How about one day of your time, to join a FREE 14-19 briefing workshop where you will receive an up-to-date electronic toolkit of information, strategies & support resources to use in your work with further education colleagues?
The workshop will provide updates on the main strands of 14-19 learning so that you'll be aware of all the key roles involved in effective delivery.  With a maximum of 35 participants at each workshop, you'll have plenty of time to network and build relationships with colleagues carrying out a similar role. Places are limited and will be offered on a first-come first-served basis
Press release ~ Click here to find out more about the workshops and why you should attend ~ LLUK
WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?