General News

HL: More than 300 homeless & disadvantaged people from across the country are now preparing detailed plans for the ‘Places of Change’ Garden, the biggest-ever show garden in the history of the world-famous RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Among the creative concepts already being developed is the towering ‘planted man’ figure being made up of medicinal plants grown in the precise bodily regions to which they bring benefit. being
Overseen by Paul Stone, the Eden Project garden designer and a multiple medal winner at Chelsea, the 590sqm garden will feature a network of themed zones all conveying the empowering nature of growing for life.  In addition to the health zone, other areas will feature food production, the senses, industry & the environment.
Press release ~ RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2010 ~ HCA’s Places of Change programme (2010 details will be published here from Mid-March 2010) ~ Eden Project ~ 2009 Key Garden ~ Homeless Link
OS: Members of a 10,000 strong volunteer army, which have all contributed to a project to photograph every square kilometre of Britain, have descended on Ordnance Survey’s Southampton head office. Since 2005 the Geograph project, sponsored by the national mapping agency, has been trying to collect a photo representing every single kilometre of the country.  After 5 years and with almost 1.7m images now amassed, the community of users came together for the first time.  
The site was founded by Gary Rogers, Paul Dixon & Barry Hunter, as both a game and national geography project, and such is its success that it has been recognised as a unique resource by the and entered into it’s ‘digital archive’ for posterity. Despite the huge number & range of images contributed to the site, from the windswept outcrops of the Shetlands, to ordinary suburban neighbourhoods, there do remain some map squares with no images.
Press release ~ Geograph British Isles
LDA: Works have started on the London Development Agency's plans to turn an open space in New Cross into a shining example of modern public parkland. Hatcham Gardens,  in the Kender Triangle in south-east London, is to undergo a complete overhaul as part of the Mayor's Great Spaces programme.  The renovation will see the existing patches of tarmac & fencing stripped away and replaced with 50 newly-planted trees.
The renovation of the park will see a new canopy created by carefully selected Albazia trees, newly laid surface, a new public drinking fountain, extra furniture and new play equipment. The Gardens will also have a variety of play items, including a giant sandpit, chess tables, large benches, a ping pong table and a dog enclosure.
Press release ~ London’s Great Outdoors ~ London’s journey into space
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