General Reports and Other Publications

Newswire – CivitasThird-rate courses wrongly presented as 'vocational', must go according to Civitas in its latest publication - Unqualified Success: Investigating the state of vocational training in the UK. Beneath the continuing rise in GCSE results lies a troubling truth about what is happening in schools.
Press release ~ Full briefing
Newswire – AUK: Over 29% of nurses are not confident that it would be noticed if a relative of theirs was malnourished when entering hospital, according to findings released as part of Age UK’sStill Hungry to be Heard campaign’.  The results spark fresh fears that older people are still being left to go hungry in hospital.
Last week marked the launch of the Still Hungry to be Heard report, which highlights that insufficient action is being taken to tackle malnutrition in people in later life and provides solutions to solve the issue.  Monitoring of malnutrition in hospitals is poor with existing data revealing that 180,000 patients are still leaving hospital malnourished each year and 239 die of malnutrition during their stay.
Press release ~ CQC response ~ Still Hungry to be Heard
ESRC: New research from the Institute for Criminal Policy Research at King's College, London, examines whether the police and the youth justice system treat young people from different ethnic groups in different ways.
Press release ~ Ethnic minority young people: Differential treatment in the Youth Justice System ~ Economic and Social Research Council  ~ Institute for Criminal Policy Research
Newswire – NHS Confed: A new report by the NHS Confederation’s London Relations Programme outlines the significant challenges facing the capital’s health service. The paper, Capital challenge: improving healthcare in London says tough decisions will need to be taken if London’s healthcare is to continue to improve during the financial downturn.
Press release ~ Capital challenge: improving healthcare in London ~ London Relations Programme pages
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