General Reports and Other Publications

PC&PE: The Home Affairs Committee has published its report into The Roots of Violent Radicalisation recently, the result of a wide-ranging inquiry that began in May 2011.
The Committee concludes that the internet is one of the most significant vehicles for promoting violent radicalism - more so than prisons, universities or places of worship, although direct, personal contact with radicals is in many cases also a significant factor.  Witnesses told the Committee that the internet played a part in most, if not all, cases of violent radicalisation.
Press release & links
ESRCProfessionals who are in close contact with elderly people could soon be in a better position to spot if they are being financially exploited, for example through a lottery scam or by a deceitful relative draining the bank account, thanks to a pioneering new study funded by the UK Research Councils' New Dynamics of Ageing programme (NDA)
Press release & links ~ 'Detecting & preventing financial abuse of older adults: an examination of decision-making by managers & professionals'
TUC: According to a new TUC report published recently (‘Bonus Season’), Ending corporation tax relief for pay & bonuses worth more than 10 times average annual earnings (£26,200) could raise around £1.7bn a year if applied to the banking & financial services sector.
Press release & links
ESRCCultural differences between the West & East are well documented, but a study shows that concrete differences also exist in how British & Chinese people recognise people and the world around them.  ‘Easterners really do look at the world differently to Westerners’ according to new research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). 
Press release & links
ACEVO: A new report published recently by the Commission on Youth Unemployment – ‘Youth unemployment- the crisis we cannot afford’ - finds that youth unemployment has reached emergency point. finds that youth unemployment has reached emergency point.
Press release ~ Report
NAO: Equity investors have helped to deliver many public sector infrastructure projects via the Private Finance Initiative and have managed them in ways from which the public sector can learn.  

Against a background of limited information, evidence gathered by the National Audit Office raises concern that the public sector is paying more than it should for equity investment.
Press release & links
UKOCJobseekers who are offline are much less likely to find work, according to a new survey by UK online centres and research agency ICM which reveals that 72% of employers are unlikely to even offer an interview to someone without basic computer and internet skills.

The research also details the top IT skills employers are looking for in new recruits; being able to email (96%), word processing skills (93%), and the ability to search for information online (88%).
Press release & links
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy