General Reports and Other Publications

STFC: Diamonds from Brazil have provided the answers to a question that Earth scientists have been trying to understand for many years: how is oceanic crust that has been subducted deep into the Earth recycled back into volcanic rocks?
A team of researchers, led by the University of Bristol, working alongside colleagues at the STFC Daresbury Laboratory, have gained a deeper insight into how the Earth recycles itself in the deep earth tectonic cycle way beyond the depths that can be accessed by drilling.
Press release ~ ‘Primary carbonatite melt from deeply subducted oceanic crust’ ~ Science and Technology Facilities Council ~ STFC Daresbury Laboratory ~ Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS)
MoD: The Board of Inquiry (BoI) report into the death of Lance Corporal (LCpl) Mathew Ford has been published on the Ministry of Defence website. LCpl Ford died when Zulu Company of 45 Commando Royal Marines was engaged in an operation against a major Taliban fort, south of Garmsir in southern Helmand, Afghanistan on Monday 15 January 2007.
The actual cause of death is for the Coroner to determine.  The BoI was convened to establish the circumstances that led to LCpl Ford's death and identify lessons that can be learned to prevent a similar tragedy in the future. This process is now complete. The BoI was unable to confirm, with certainty, which weapon fired the shots.  However, the Board concluded that the weight of evidence suggests that it is probable that LCpl Ford was killed by 'friendly fire'.
Sixteen BoI recommendations were made.  All of these recommendations have been addressed either in theatre or as part of the 3 Commando Brigade pre-deployment preparation in advance of its forthcoming deployment to Afghanistan.
Press release ~ Board of Inquiry into the Death of L/CPL Ford
ScotGov: The Vale of Leven Hospital should continue to offer unscheduled care to local residents and visitors according to an expert report. The independent review team reached the unanimous conclusion that a significant proportion of unscheduled care could continue to be offered safely at the Vale.  NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde had previously announced plans to close the hospital's unscheduled admission unit because of concerns over levels of anaesthetic cover.
Press release ~ Report of Independent Review of Anaesthetic Services at Vale of Leven Hospital
LLUKLifelong Learning UK (LLUK) has published a report presenting findings from the Community Learning and Development (CLD) workforce survey in Scotland.  Information was gathered on 16,556 individuals including data on age, gender, ethnicity and levels of qualification of the workforce.  The report summarises the findings and explores the implications for workforce development.
Press release ~ Community Learning and Development workforce survey - Scotland
DWP Newswire: The DWP has published Working paper 49: Changing economic circumstances in childhood and their effects on subsequent educational and other outcomes.  Using three data sources, the Millennium Cohort Study, the National Pupil Database and the British Cohort Study 1970 (BCS70), this study explored the link between changes in income (or income-related measures) and child outcomes in early childhood, middle childhood and in adolescence.
Press release ~ Changing economic circumstances in childhood and their effects on subsequent educational and other outcomes ~ Summary version ~ Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS)
MoJ Newswire: Justice Minister Bridget Prentice has announced the publication of a study evaluating some of the measures in the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004.  Government figures show the number of domestic violence cases being reported has increased and the success rate on prosecuting domestic violence continues to improve.
Press release ~ Early evaluation of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 ~ Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 ~ National Plan for Domestic Violence ~ Forced Marriage Act 2007 ~ MoJ – Domestic Violence
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