General Reports and Other Publications

ippr: The Alternative Vote system is better suited to the modern electorate than First Past the Post because ‘voters have become more ‘promiscuous’ and less tribal in the way they vote’, according to a new report from Think Tank ippr.  The report shows that voters are happy to express more than one preference when they cast their ballots and most people are prepared to express 3 preferences.
YouGov polling for ippr shows that more than 1 in 5 voters say they have engaged in ‘tactical voting’ and voted for their second choice under the First Past the Post system.  But the report says that AV will not increase voter turnout and that the electorate has mixed views about the system.
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PC&PE: The BBC World Service is ‘of such value to the nation that its income should be ring-fenced against spending cuts’, says the Foreign Affairs Committee in its report into the future of the BBC World Service.  

The report says that the decision to transfer funding responsibility for the BBC World Service from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to the BBC will have major long-term ramifications for the future of the World Service.
Press release
IISS: The disaster at Japan's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant has rekindled a worldwide debate on the safety & wisdom of nuclear power.  China has frozen approval of all new nuclear power plants, while some nations, such as Thailand, are reconsidering plans to introduce nuclear power.  Iran, however, is one nuclear newcomer that has not.
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KPMG: Companies which have implemented corporate sustainability strategies have enjoyed a broad range of important benefits according to latest research by KPMG.  The report, ‘Corporate Sustainability: a progress report’, has also highlighted that ‘finance & cost are the biggest challenges companies face when implementing sustainable practices’.
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PwCThe high street is at risk: with 60% of shoppers expecting to spend more online in the coming 2-3 years and the same number stating they have been shopping online for more than 5 years now. Retailers need to act now to meet the demands of the new consumer, according to new research from PwC: Pick ‘n’ Mix – meeting the demands of the new multi-channel shopper.
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DCMS: With just under 500 days to the go until the beginning of the Paralympic Games, a joint DCMS/Office for Disability Issues (ODI) report has hailed the steps already taken to ensure that everyone can benefit from hosting the 2012 Games.  

The report, London 2012: a legacy for disabled people, lays out the opportunities & benefits that the Games will deliver for people with disabilities.
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Newswire – CBI: The CBI is calling on the Government to bolster the UK’s attractiveness to investors, warning that without action, investment & jobs will be lost to other countries.

In a new report called Making the UK the best place to invest, the CBI identifies the main drivers & blockers for investment, based on research from 400 companies, including interviews with senior business leaders.  The report suggests that much more needs to be done to improve the investment landscape to retain companies based here and attract fresh inward investment.
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Deloitte: The financial pressures currently faced by the public sector are so severe that publicbodies are being compelled to shift to lower cost channels of service.  According to a report launched by Deloitte, the public sector needs to emulate the corporate world by driving citizens towards ever cheaper & more efficient ways of doing business.  

The time is now right not just to open up new online channels, but to mandate their use & to restrict expensive channels to those people who really need them.
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WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?