Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides
CLG: Social housing landlords have received new guidance to help them measure their success in tackling anti-social behaviour. The toolkit, developed by HouseMark and the Social Landlords' Crime and Nuisance Group (SLCNG) for Communities and Local Government, offers practical help & advice on collecting, interpreting and using information.
It explains in easy to understand terms, the information that landlords should collect on anti-social behaviour in order to target their staff time and resources effectively. It will also assist landlords in meeting the requirements of the Respect Standard for Housing Management and encourage even more landlords to sign up to the standard itself.
Press release ~ The Respect Standard for Housing Management: A Performance Improvement Toolkit for Landlords ~ HouseMark and the SLCNG workshops ~ Respect in communities and neighbourhoods ~ Related publications (scroll down) ~ Housing Corporation ~ Respect and Housing Management – Using Good Neighbour Agreements ~ Social Landlords' Crime and Nuisance Group (SLCNG) ~ Respect Standard for Housing Management