Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides

ScotGov: Help to enable Scottish businesses prepare for the impacts of swine flu has been offered through an innovative, free-to-access, online seminar (published on Thursday 12 November 2009).  While forecasts for the numbers of people likely to become ill have been revised downwards, businesses are still likely to experience disruption to services and supply chains, as well as potential losses in revenue as a result of higher than average staff absences.
The online seminar was recorded & will be placed on Scottish Government, Business Gateway and business organisations' websites, ensuring that the guidance continues to be available to businesses across Scotland.
Press release ~ More information on swine flu ~ Business Gateway ~ Institute of Directors (Scotland) ~ Business Continuity Institute
DH: Thanks to Sir Michael Parkinson’s call to action more than 10,000 people have now signed up to be Dignity Champions. Dignity Champions, part of the Dignity in Care Campaign, volunteer to promote good care for the elderly.  Their aim is to change the culture of care services and place a greater emphasis on the quality of experience of those services.
Last week also saw the publication of the Guide:  Walk a mile in my shoes which is designed to assist Overview and Scrutiny Committees & others in discussing what dignity is, why it matters and how to assess whether an organisation or service treats the people whom it serves with dignity & respect.
Press release ~ DH Care Networks - Dignity in Care ~ Guide for Overview and Scrutiny Committees: Walk a mile in my shoes ~ Dignity in care: input assessment - DH interventions ~ Overview and Scrutiny Committees ~ DH – Dignity in Care
A Guide to Public Sector Contact Data Quality