Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides

Defra: Guidance to help police & local authorities enforce ‘dangerous dogs’ law more effectively &crack down on irresponsible dog ownership has been published. Written in association with the police, the RSPCA and local authorities, the guidance sets out the current law and provides advice on how the legislation can be used effectively to improve enforcement.
The guidance:
* Provides an outline of the law on dangerous dogs, including an explanation of the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act and the 1871 Dogs Act
* Sets out best practice for the main enforcement authorities; the police & local authorities
* Provides guidance on identifying pit bull terrier-type dogs
* Provides examples of existing local initiatives
Press release ~ Animal welfare: The Control of Dogs
DIUS: New guidance, published by the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), provides practical advice to those responsible for letting publicly funded contracts on how to embed skills training & apprenticeships in all aspects & stages of the procurement process.  It covers all types of public contracts for products & services from facilities management & IT to construction.
Total public procurement is worth around £175bn a year and offers a unique opportunity to invest in the nation's skills and build a more productive workforce better able to respond to technological changes.  Other benefits include improving public services, getting greater value for money and helping people progress in their careers.
Press release ~ Office of Government Commerce (OGC) ~ Promoting Skills Through Public Procurement
ScotGov: A new resource to help schools meet the needs of children with autism has been launched. The Autism Toolbox, which has been sent to every school & education authority in Scotland, draws on practical examples, literature and research to give guidance to councils and support to schools – See ‘In the News’ section for more information.
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy