Industry News

COEnergy for Growth, a new initiative using government buying power to boost the UK energy industry and save taxpayers money, has been announced by Francis Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office.
The Government Procurement Service (GPS), part of the Cabinet Office Efficiency and Reform Group, is the UK’s largest energy customer, spending £1.5bn a year on gas & electricity.  GPS buys energy for 75% of the entire public sector which accounts for 3% of total UK energy demand.  In 2013 it will open a pilot to diversify 2% of its demand, worth £25m a year.
Contracts will be offered direct to renewable generators for a set proportion of their capacity for up to 25 years.  This will appeal to new projects which can bank on the guaranteed business to attract investment.  As well as helping renewable generators, the pilot will save taxpayers around £155m over 15 years by agreeing the very best price in return for the financial security offered. If the pilot is successful, over the next 5 years GPS will diversify up to half its entire energy portfolio, currently worth £750m.
Press release & links
DCMS: The DCMS rural superfast broadband programme reached a major milestone recently as Ainderby Steeple in North Yorkshire became the first community to be connected, with download speeds of up to 80mbps
Press release & links
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