Legislation / Legal

NIA: The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Justice has launched an Inquiry into Criminal Justice Services available to Victims & Witnesses of Crime in Northern Ireland. The aim of the inquiry is to learn from the experiences of people who have either been a victim of, or witness to crime – from dealings with the police, to the quality of information and support provided, and the handling of cases by the Courts Service.  The deadline for written submissions to the Committee is Friday 4 November 2011.
Press release & links
SC: Last week the Sentencing Council published a new definitive guideline for the sentencing of burglars. The guideline reinforces current sentencing practice, which means that offenders burgling people’s homes can expect a custodial sentence.  Sentencing will remain at existing levels, and the guideline aims to ensure that the effect on victims is at the centre of considerations about what sentence each offender should receive.
Press release & links
ScotGov: Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has welcomed a Supreme Court decision to dismiss a legal challenge to a historic Act of the Scottish Parliament.   The Supreme Court judges decided unanimously that the Scottish Parliament had acted within the scope of its powers when it passed the Damages (Asbestos-related Conditions) Act in 2009, legislation that offered those that have pleural plaques the opportunity to claim compensation. The Act has been subject to lengthy legal challenge by a group of insurers.
Press release
ScotGov: New rules to make it easier for people to make changes to their homes will come into force in February 2012. Within certain constraints, the rules will allow a range of works - including extensions, access ramps, sheds, garages & decking - to be built without applying for planning permission. Certain restrictions will still apply for conservation areas & listed buildings.
Press release & links
Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide