Legislation / Legal

MoJ: New laws came into force last week that Justice Secretary, Jack Straw, claims will give homeowners & 'have-a-go-heroes' defending themselves greater confidence. The self defence provisions of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 are intended to make clear to the public, prosecutors and the police that those who use reasonable force to protect themselves or others should not be prosecuted.
If they use no more force than absolutely necessary, people should have confidence that the law will support them, so long as:
* they acted instinctively
* they acted to effect a lawful arrest or to prevent the escape of a person lawfully detained, and
* the level of force used was not excessive or disproportionate in the circumstances as they viewed them
* they feared for their safety (or that of others) and acted based on their perception of the threat faced and the scale of that threat
Press release ~ Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 ~ MoJ – CJ&IA 2008 (Provisions starting in July 2008 ~ MOJ – CJ&IA 2008
DIUS: New measures to ensure all apprenticeships are of a uniform high quality and have the confidence of both apprentices & employers have been announced by David Lammy and Jim Knight as the Government published its draft Apprenticeships Bill.
The Bill, which will establish a statutory basis for the entire apprenticeships programme, will set out clearly the relationship between different parts of the apprenticeship system and redefine the 'blueprint' outlining what apprenticeships should contain.  It will also help to ensure schools provide advice about apprenticeships where appropriate so that young people are properly informed about apprenticeships as a career choice.
Press release ~ Draft Apprenticeships Bill ~ Apprenticeships ~ World-class Apprenticeships ~ National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) ~ Fifth annual Apprentice Awards - Learning & Skills Council ~ Modern Apprenticeships - Scotland
MoJ: Justice Secretary, Jack Straw, has published the Political Parties and Elections Bill which he claims‘will tighten controls on spending by candidates, improve the transparency of donations to political parties and substantially strengthen the powers of the Electoral Commission’.
Press release ~ Political Parties and Elections Bill ~ White Paper - Party finance and expenditure ~ EC statement in response to Bill ~ Proposals for the Funding of Political Parties: Draft agreement put to political parties - August 2007 ~ Strengthening Democracy: Fair and Sustainable Funding of Political Parties - March 2007 ~ Electoral Commission – Party Finance ~ Hansard – Paying for Politics
How Lambeth Council undertakes effective know your citizen (KYC) / ID checks to prevent fraud