Legislation / Legal

BERR: The Government's Postal Services Bill has cleared its third reading in the House of Lords and will now pass to the House of Commons, where it will be debated by MPs in early June
Amendments to the Bill following debate in the Lords include:
* Clarity that the legislation allows an employee share scheme to be created, provided that Royal Mail remains publicly owned
* A new requirement for the Post Office to produce an annual report on the breadth & accessibility of the Post Office network
* The Secretary of State must report to Parliament on any sale of shares in Royal Mail
* A new requirement for Ofcom to report on the cost of fulfilling the universal service obligation (collecting & delivering mail 6 days per week at a uniform price).  Ofcom will also have powers to ensure that the price other postal operators are charged by Royal Mail to access its network, including delivery over the final mile, properly reflect those costs.
Press release ~ Postal Services Bill
ScotGov: Views are being sought on a range of measures to create a system of crofting 'fit for the 21st century'. Launching a consultation (closes on 12 August 2009) into the draft Crofting Reform Bill, Environment Minister, Roseanna Cunningham, has demanded an end to the 'corrosive effect of absenteeism, neglect and speculation' and the development of a system which allowed crofters to shape their own destiny – See ‘Consultations’ section for more information.
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