Legislation / Legal

OFTThe OFT has recently concluded that it has no grounds to take action against IDEXX Laboratories Limited (IDEXX) following an investigation into alleged abuses of a dominant position in the veterinary diagnostic testing sector.
Press release & links
CAT: The Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) has referred to the Competition Commission (CC) price control matters in an appeal brought against Ofcom by British Telecom (BT) regarding prices that BT is allowed to charge for the supply of certain wholesale services to other Communications Providers.
Press release & links
Monitor: Monitor has confirmed that Dorset County Hospitals is no longer in significant breach of its Authorisation.
Press release & links
HOA new power to temporarily control potentially harmful new drugs has come into effect, along with an importation ban on two substances closely linked to chemicals found in 'legal high' brand 'Ivory Wave'.
Press release & links
MoJJulie Townsend is deputy chief executive of Brake, a charity that campaigns for safer roads and justice for people bereaved & seriously injured in road crashes.  As part of road safety week, she explains why changes to the law on dangerous driving are being welcomed.
Press release & links
DfTPassengers' needs are to be put first under new airports legislation published by Transport Secretary Justine Greening.  The draft Civil Aviation Bill will replace the current economic regulation duties of the aviation regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), with a single primary duty to promote the interests of passengers.
Press release & links
BIS: A range of substantive reforms will ensure a more sustainable future for Britain’s pubs as the Government last week secured an industry commitment to ‘end unfair practices, through a tough & legally binding Code’.
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published its response to the Select Committee’s Report on Pub Companies and set out further details of a strengthened Industry Code to improve the relationship between pub companies and their licensees.
Press release ~ Government response to the House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee’s tenth report of session 2010–2012: pub companies ~ Existing Industry Framework Code
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