Policy Statements and Initiatives

WAG: Deputy Minister for Housing & Regeneration, Jocelyn Davies AM recently joined pupils from AbertysswgPrimary School in planting vegetables at a new community allotment in Abertysswg.  The community plot is one of the new developments at the Abertysswg allotment site, which is just one of several allotment sites that are being supported through the Heads of the Valleys Programme.
It is made up of a number of accessible growing plots and some raised beds that can be accessed by wheelchair users.  The community plot can be used by the whole of Abertysswg, including school groups, young people, families and older members of the community

The project is a joint effort between Abertysswg Communities First Partnership, the Abertysswg Allotment Society and Groundwork Caerphilly, who oversaw the improvements to the allotment.
Press release ~ WAG: Regeneration ~ WAG: Heads of the Valleys Programme ~ Abertysswg Communities First Partnership ~ Groundwork Caerphilly
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