WGPlus (Archive)

A simple ‘push’ of a finger could save your family’s life
As part of a new Fire Kills campaign launched by Fire Minister Mike Penning, households are being asked to regularly test their smoke alarms to prevent fire deaths.  A working smoke alarm can buy you valuable time to get out, stay out and call 999.  But just half of all householders who own smoke alarms say that they test whether they are working on a regular basis.
Researched Links:

Home Office:  Fire Minister urges households to test smoke alarms

Fire safety in the home: Fire Kills - GOV.UK

FireKillsCampaign - YouTube

Festive fire safety

Reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning over winter

Brandon Lewis raises the alarm over tenant safety

Fire deaths fall to lowest number on record

£3m fund means thousands more tenants will have working smoke alarm

Official statistics reveal fire deaths fallen by 40% in last decade

Don’t Give Fire A Home this winter

Charred clocks bring an emotional reminder that it’s Time to Test

Lose some sleep but save a life this weekend: When you change your clock, test your smoke alarm

Hard-wired for sound: Love to hate your smoke alarm

Facing the Future...find out more