WGPlus (Archive)

Are you one of them?

Up to 2m CeX customers may have had their personal information compromised after the electronics retailer suffered a cyber attack.  Data compromised by the hackers includes first names, surnames, addresses, email addresses & phone numbers of registered CeX customers.

As a precautionary measure CeX are emailing up to 2m of their registered website customers who could potentially be affected. Customers, who do not receive an email, are not affected

CeX, which also runs the webuy.com website, is asking customers to change their passwords immediately.  A good way to create a strong password is to use 3 random words & numbers, which are memorable to you, but not for other people to guess.
Researched Links:

Action Fraud:  CeX – 2m customer details compromised

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Misleading missed delivery cards posted through letterboxes

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The latest fraud & cyber alerts to watch out for

Why these fake WhatsApp emails and texts will catch people out

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NAO:  Online Fraud

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