WGPlus (Archive)
Care at home is not only preferred, its more cost effective as well |
£6m investment to help older people in Wales live independently in their own home, has been announced. The continued Welsh Government funding supports the essential work of the Care and Repair service, which provides adaptations, such as ramps, handrails, and safety alarms, to enable older people to live safely in their own homes. £2m of the funding is for the Rapid Response Adaptations Programme, which provides minor adaptations to help prevent many people from having to be admitted to hospital and enable those who are in hospital to be discharged earlier, helping alleviate pressure on the NHS. Estimates show every pound invested in the programme creates a significant £7.50 saving for our health and social services. |
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WAG: £6m to help older people live independently in their home Rapid Response Adaptations Programme (RRAP) £2m to help older people out of hospital New £20m fund to support 1,600 severely disabled people in Wales £8m boost for services to support older people in South East Wales £50m care fund to support older people and help reduce pressure on the NHS |