WGPlus (Archive)

Children are mentally vulnerable
To mark Children’s Mental Health Week, one young man talks about how he is using his experiences to help others:
Researched Links:

NHS England:  Designing mental health care for young people

IPPR:  Colleges are struggling to find ways to cope with increased demand for mental health support

NHS England:  Revolutionising children’s mental health care

Consideration for what’s going on in their minds is a key to success

Everything is very ‘personal’ when you are a child

Tackling the ‘Dark Side’ of social media in schools

LGA responds to carers trust survey of young carers

NHS Confederation:  Evidence from YoungMinds shows why it's important that imminent contracts speed up mental health funding

PM unveils plans to transform mental health support

New report looks at the mental health of children in London

New world class research commissioned to find out what works to help children get back on track after abuse

Mental health problems for children of depressed parents not inevitable

Six mental health pilot sites to redesign services and prevent patients being admitted to hospital miles away from home go live on 1 October

Extra £25m for NHS organisations in England to improve mental health services for children & young people

School & mental health link pilots taking work further to help more young people

Children's Commissioner:  Anne Longfield comments on rise in calls to Childline about suicide

The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy