EU announces historic €715 million for the Global Fund to save millions of lives from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria
State Aid: Commission approves up to €5.2 billion of public support by thirteen Member States for the second Important Project of Common European Interest in the hydrogen value chain
EU's trade defence measures protect over 460,000 European jobs
CETA turns 5: a privileged partnership for sustainable growth and secure supplies
Ensuring accountability for Sexual Violence and other violations of International Humanitarian Law
Declaration of Leaders’ Summit on Global Food Security
Experts put forward recommendations on how to harness the power of culture for sustainable development
EU-Australia: Council adopts decision for the conclusion of a framework agreement
EU Cohesion Policy: €1.4 billion for Ireland's economic and social development and green transition in 2021-2027
European Health Union: A new EU approach on cancer detection – screening more and screening better
Council adopts additional €5 billion assistance to Ukraine
Non-transposition of EU legislation: Commission takes action to ensure complete and timely transposition of EU directives
Keynote address by President von der Leyen at Princeton University
EU innovation performance continues to improve in spite of challenges