EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc. (Archive)

techUK response to inquiry on EU environmental policy

Defra:  Paris climate talks explained ~ CCC: Next step towards low-carbon economy requires 57% emissions reduction by 2030 ~ Paris climate conference: historic opportunity to avoid dangerous climate change

HO:  Government sets out case for joining Prüm

ScotGov:  Reducing red tape for farmers – (ScotGov:  Green light for capital projects ~ ScotGov:  Sea Fisheries Management)

EC invests €160.6m in 96 new environment projects

Measures to Address the Refugee Crisis – (EU-Turkey Cooperation: A €3bn Refugee Facility for Turkey ~ EU funding for Palestine refugees & vulnerable Palestinian families through UN Relief & Works Agency ~ Make it easier for migrants to complain about Frontex border guards, MEP say ~ MEPs call on the EU to step up cooperation with Africa after the Valletta summit)

Don’t equate refugees with terrorists – boost security instead, urge MEPs ~ Migration and jobs: Parliament adopts next year's EU budget

EC to increase humanitarian support to education for children in emergencies ~ Boost children's access to education in emergencies

EU Housing conditions in 2014

New measures to reinforce deposit protection & further reduce banking risks ~ Updated version - Banking Union: restoring financial stability in the Eurozone ~ Annual Growth Survey 2016: Strengthening the recovery and fostering convergence

New €20 banknote starts circulating

EP backs deal on better information, advice & protection for insurance buyers

Mergers: EC clears Avago's acquisition of Broadcom

EC announces new Pan Africa Action Plan projects

Parliament calls for corporate tax makeover

Don’t allow recycling of plastics that contain toxic phthalate DEHP, warn MEPs

EP calls for joint EU strategy to fight radicalisation of young EU citizens

ECB and the People’s Bank of China successfully test bilateral currency swap

Successor to Special Committee on Tax Rulings
Get ready for CSSC Active Wellbeing Autumn (AWA)