General News (Archive)

MoD:  UK-Canada partnership gathering pace – (MoD:  Reflections on the Somme ~ Defence Minister recognises transformative innovation ~ MoD:  Minister for Defence Procurement has announced the start of the Defence Industrial Policy Refresh consultation ~ Defence Secretary reviews NATO’s reassurance role with Secretary General ~ MoD:  LIBOR funding flows for military community ~ Minister for Defence Procurement visits Faslane)

PC&PE:  Protect medals and punish imposters, says Defence Committee

HM Treasury:  Funds for urgent overhaul of Buckingham Palace granted

LGA responds to PAC report on financial sustainability of local authorities – (Pay to stay to be voluntary for councils - LGA responds ~ LGA responds to Autumn Statement)

ScotGov:  Cybercrime is coming to town – (ScotGov:  Conserving wild salmon ~ ScotGov:  Beavers to remain in Scotland)

WAG:  £5m of new funding to give all schools in Wales access to superfast broadband – (WAG:  Welcoming more Japanese visitors to Wales ~ WAG:  Poultry keepers urged to be vigilant for signs of Avian Influenza)

Children’s Commissioner:  Children in care control the corridors of power in Whitehall ~ Children’s Commissioner Blog post: Tens of thousands of roles taken over by children & young people for Takeover Challenge 2016

Ofsted:  Schools should be doing more to prepare young people for the world of work – (Ofsted:  Sir Michael Wilshaw's speech at the Education Policy Institute conference)

HEFCE welcomes PM’s announcement of increased investment in research & development

Ofgem:  Switching at a 4.5 year high as more people shop around for a better deal

Ofqual:  Rasch modelling report

Electoral Commission:  Latest figures published for political party donations & borrowing

Food Standards Agency publishes local authority food law enforcement information – (FSA:  Freezing food can lead to a less wasteful Christmas)

Environment Agency:  Formal caution for moving pike in Lincolnshire – (EA:  Chesterfield waste firm has permit suspended)

SFA:  Apprenticeship support and knowledge for schools project launches

STFC:  £Multi-million Large Hadron Collider upgrade project launched – (STFC:  RAL Space contribution to next generation Solar Telescope goes in to orbit ~ STFC:  Update on cyber-attack ~ STFC:  Boosting UK regional innovation

Arts Council England:  Contributors announced for No Boundaries 2017 – (ACE:  One-of-a-kind award for artists launches in Gateshead ~ ACE:  Autumn Statement: our response ~ ACE:  Arts & culture sector acting on climate change ~ ACE;  Design Museum’s new home opens doors to the next generation)

TfL:  Dangerous work sees BT prosecuted for risking public safety – (TfL:  TfL partners with two global brands to bring ‘the lettering of London’ to life ~ TfL:  Tackling congestion in the Capital ~ TfL:  Proposed changes to bus routes to improve reliability & reduce congestion)

National Archives:  Newly accredited archive services

FDA:  Brexit has changed everything - except the civil service being properly resourced to prepare for it – (FDA:  Autumn Statement - HMRC union welcomes single fiscal event announcement and tax system measures but stresses need for proper resourcing)

TUC publishes new guide for union reps to support trans people at work – (TUC:  Government fund to tackle migration impacts is little more than ministerial spare change ~ TUC: Disability-related sickness absence is biggest workplace issue for union equality reps ~ TUC hits out at government inaction to stimulate wages in Autumn Statement ~ TUC: Unions & employers must play their part in preventing violence against women)

TUC: Theresa May must not break her promise to have workers on company boards ~ IPPR:  Workers on boards - any decision to row back would be a step in the wrong direction)

CCW:  Welsh Water still has more work to do to reduce written complaints – (CCW:  Leakage falling but not fast enough, warns consumer watchdog)

Natural England:  West Pennine Moors becomes largest protected wildlife site in a decade

Unicef:  PLM-North pledge to end recruitment and use of children in conflict – (Stop bombing schools & hospitals says UNICEF Regional Director)

It’s Gold - again! RoSPA staff celebrate highest Investors in People standard for second time

WWF-UK comments on the Autumn Statement

WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?