General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

ONS:  Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 by local areas in England & Wales, 2012 to 2014 – (Families & Households, 2015)

NAO:  Automatic enrolment to workplace pensions

NAO:  Financial sustainability of Fire & Rescue services

PC&PE:  Migrant smuggling requires more balanced humanitarian & law enforcement response

PC&PE:  Extension of offensive British military operations to Syria report published

PC&PE:  Tackling the UK productivity problem: research published

National Ombudsmen:  Councils must have oversight of transition planning for all pupils with SEN

DWP:  Older women see a dramatic rise in employment rate over past 30 years

ScotGov:  Mental health of teenagers – (Ferry tender is ‘fair, open & transparent’ ~ Scottish retail sales grow 1.0%)

GDS:  Our champions - the growing community of self-certification assessors – (GDS:  Making data a public asset through infrastructure)

ESRC:  Young people from poorer backgrounds are missing out on a secure future)

NLGN:  Public knows little about the 'Devolution Revolution' – but supports local decision-making

NIESR: The UK current account deficit from a financial perspective ~ NIESR: Modernising Economic Statistics - Why it matters ~ NIESR: Latest global economic forecast ~ NIESR: Latest forecast for the UK economy)

IFG:  Devolution will only work if public services are reformed

RUSI - Strengthening Britain’s Voice in the World – (RUSI launches new website)

Protect work incentives for low income families, CSJ urges Chancellor

Law Commission: Offences against the person – modernising the law on violence

How Lambeth Council undertakes effective know your citizen (KYC) / ID checks to prevent fraud