General Reports and Other Publications (Archive)

HMRC:  Child & Working Tax Credits annual error & fraud statistics 2015 to 2016

CIPD:  Three in four HR professionals expect Brexit to escalate ‘war for talent’

Open Europe:  Seven years after the first bailout, Greece is back in the headlines

IPPR North:  ‘Northern rustbelt’ key to election

RUSI:  General Election 2017: The Oxygen of Publicity – Giving Terrorists the Final Gasp in the Campaign

IEA:  Political consensus to increase employment regulation risks undermining the economy

CSJ:  Social justice doesn’t stop for elections ~ CSJ:  The social justice election that wasn’t

Work Foundation:  An end to workplace taboos surrounding women's health conditions

WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?