Health, Social Care and Homelessness (Archive)

DH:  Call for women to get life-saving smear test after uptake drops

NHS England strikes new deals to make two new innovative treatments available routinely on the NHS

CQC:  Share your views on how we will report on & rate use of resources in NHS hospitals

NHS Digital:  NHS Digital publishes Tracing Service Review – (NHS Digital:  Report shows decrease in cervical screening coverage in England ~ NHS Digital:  Spontaneous labours in England fall as induced labours and caesareans rise)

ScotGov:  NHS abortion services for NI women – (ScotGov:  Comment on delayed discharge)

WAG:  Fewer people in Wales dying from heart disease – new report – (WAG:  Quicker access to specialist NHS care for Armed forces’ veterans in Wales)

LGA responds to NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens’ speech ~ King's Fund:  Patient care deteriorating as NHS heads into winter on a knife edge – (King's Fund:   £4bn needed next year to stop NHS care deteriorating ~ NHS Confederation:  Chancellor has been warned about NHS funding need)

techUK launches Investigation into How Technology Can Help Avoid a Winter NHS Crisis

IPPR:  Nearly half the cost of lifting NHS pay cap would come back to government

Sport England:  Mind partnership reveals mental health and sport link

Link to latest news from the British Heart Foundation ~ Link to latest news from Cancer Research UK ~ Link to latest news from Diabetes UK ~ Link to latest news from Age UK

LGA:  Local Housing Allowance freeze risks 'increasing' homelessness for private renters, councils warn ~ LGA responds to Shelter report on homelessness

Homeless Link:  London Winter Shelters 2017-18 list published – (Homeless Link:  Transatlantic Practice Exchange 2018 – what will you learn?)

WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?