WGPlus (Archive)

If it works and is ‘secure’
The National Infrastructure Commission recently published its first report Smart Power stating that the by UK could save up to £8bn a year 2030 with a smarter, more flexible electricity system.  The report finds that by supporting innovations in interconnection, storage & demand flexibility Government can help secure UK energy supply for generations.
Researched Links:

techUK:  Smart energy could save £8bn a year

Smart grid technology can help UK tackle carbon emissions

New energy data sharing systems to be developed

WAG:  New scheme launched to help public sector save money and become more energy efficient

New tools available for National Grid to manage tight Electricity Supplies from Winter 2014/15

The role of energy innovation in helping the UK to meet its low carbon & energy security goals

Put to the test: smart energy solutions for the military

Energy Security: Operational Highlights - NATO

NATO's energy security agenda

Smart Grid and Cyber Security for Energy Assurance

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