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Paid to train, no student debt, good employment prospects for both women & men and vital for future UK economic success

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, believes that IT apprenticeships have a vital role to play in helping to fill the emerging skills gap the profession faces and is calling on employers to support apprenticeship schemes.  The Institute has been named as 1 of 3 assessment organisations for the Digital Industry Trailblazer apprenticeships.  The first two IT apprenticeships to launch are Network Engineer and Software Developer. Apprentices studying these via a training provider assessed by the Institute will be given BCS membership for the length of their apprenticeship.

The Digital Industry Trailblazer standards published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills have been purposely aligned with the new Professional Registration of IT Technicians that the Institute, together with the Gatsby Foundation will launch later this year.  An individual awarded an IT Trailblazer apprenticeship will be eligible to apply for a place on the professional register.

Researched Links:

BCS:  Apprenticeships vital to encourage more young people into IT profession

Digital Industry Trailblazer standards (need to scroll down)

Over half of primary school teachers say science is getting squeezed out - CBI

Gov.UK:  Information & communication technology (ICT) apprenticeships

Minister for the Cabinet Office announces new initiatives for young people in cyber security

DfE:  Surrey college to train young cybersecurity experts announced

Apprenticeships could compensate for likely IT talent drain

EC joins forces with companies to deliver over 250,000 extra training courses & thousands of new digital jobs

techUK:  New report highlights UK tech growth

Lords say digital skills will make or break the UK

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