WGPlus (Archive)

The Government has reduced the NEET numbers, can they do the same for the homeless?

Over £65m of funding from across Whitehall is being offered to councils and other organisations to tackle homelessness around the country.  This government has increased spending on preventing homelessness and, as a result, homeless acceptances are lower than in 27 of the last 30 years.

Providing accommodation is not enough to prevent homelessness, and it is vital that vulnerable people can access a range of support & lead independent live, so the funding will be invested across 5 programmes:

* a £8m Help for Single Homeless Fund

* the £15m Fair Chance Fund

* a total of £41.5m will be shared between Homelessness Change and

* Platform for Life

* more than £580,000 to extend the Homelessness Gold Standard scheme

Researched Links:
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy