WGPlus (Archive)

Working together to address the problems of homelessness

Launching November 2015, Be The Change is a unique new network of homelessness professionals across the North East & Cumbria, designed to counter some of the most acute challenges they face.  Created by Homeless Link, funded by Northern Rock, and run by its membership, we will encourage & empower professionals to drive change that is so desperately needed in homelessness services across the area.

If you’re based in the North East or Cumbria and you are a graduate of either the Engage to Change or Leading Places of Change programmes – and if you want to help drive real change in the sector and you are ready to commit to making it happen in your organisation, HL want you to join them.  All they need for now is to know whether or not you are interested in finding out more.

Researched Links:
WiredGov Survey Report: How Are Public Sector Budget Cuts Hurting Talent Acquisition?